Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Great Recession

So how did we end up living in a 516 sq. ft cabin? Oh wait, that is an exaggeration. With the outbuilding that is our office we add another 100 sq feet!! Well we bought this as our rental property but then came the Great Recession of 2008 which left my husband taking "early retirement" and us holding the bag on a MUCH-larger house in a zip code that was quickly filling up with foreclosures. Exit stage right!! Sold the house and into the cabin we went.

Talk about a transition. Yowsa. We downsized DRAMATICALLY. Had a very large garage sale and just closed our eyes to avoid the pain and horror of selling off all of our accumulated "stuff". Even after moving, we had to rid ourselves of more and more stuff. That was July, and then came our first winter! The two middle-aged downsizers were playing lumberjack by chopping down trees, splitting wood, and stacking said wood. Oh but wait, the great part is that we had to go out ALL WINTER LONG in the snow and ice to retrieve the wood!! Can you say "blizzard"?

After our first winter and a spring that teased us with not-quite-yet-warm weather, we found out the true definition of "cabin fever". Argh, we had had quite enough of being stuck inside.

But not to dissuade you from doing the same, fast forward three years and many modifications and a renovations and additions later. With a carport, deck, mud room, we can now spread out just a bit more. And most importantly, we have totally embraced our mountain home and neighborhood full of kind and generous folks. This ain't tract living! We have made more friends here than we ever did while living in the city.

We traded quantity for quality--house size for fresh mountain air, elk, deer, birds of every variety, golden autumns, riotous springs, and everything that makes life worth living. We have a a laughable mortgage and the house cleans up in a jiffy allowing us to go out an play!

Life is Good!

1 comment:

  1. love the blog! LOVE the pics! can't wait to retreat back to here again & again!
